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来源:      作者:      点击:次      时间:2010-08-27

25. 增强自我保护意识 strengthen one’s awareness of protecting one’s
26. 列为世界自然文化遗产 list …as a world natural heritage site
27. 以全新的面貌进入新世纪 enter the new century with a brand-new colorful
28. 普及科普知识,传播科学 popularize scientific and technological knowledge,
思想,倡导科学精神 scientific thought and advocate the scientific
29. 提高公务员的综合素质 improve the overall quality of civil servants
30. 通过资格考试 pass qualification examinations
31. 举办文化节 / 展览会 hold (conduct, give) cultural festivals / an
32. 普及九年制义务教育 make nine-year compulsory education universal
33. 精心编写教材 compile the textbooks with great care
34 承担应有的义务 undertake the due obligations
35. 促进相互了解 enhance (further) mutual understanding
36. 相互促进 help each other forward
37. 互派访问学者 exchange visiting scholars
38. 交换意见 exchange views (ideas, opinions)
39. 反映中国的灿烂文化 reflect the rich culture of China
40. 容纳三千名旅客 accommodate 3000 passengers
41. 发挥...的聪明才智 develop one’s own talents and wisdom
42. 充分发挥知识分子的的give full play to the initiative and creativity of
43. 开设课程 offer courses
44. 重视实用性 place stress on practicality
45. 制止盗版软件 control the pirated software
46. 提供受教育机会 offer a chance of education
47. 有力地推动教育的发展 give a big push to the development of
48. 承前启后,继往开来 build on the past and prepare for the future;
inherit the past and usher in the future
49. 物质文明,精神文明一起抓 pay equal attention to the material progress and
cultural progress
50. 形成文明、健康、崇尚 form civilized, healthy and science - upholding
social practice

side by side 并排, 并肩
learn ... by heart 用心学习
combine ... with ... 与...结合
in that circumstances 如果是那样的话
replace ... with ... 用...代替...
keep a record of 记录
comments on ... 关于...的意见
at least 至少来源:
speak about 谈及
expect of/from... 从...当中期待
in return 作为回报
the survey on ... 关于...的调查
differ in... 在...不同
emerge from... 从...出现
be satisfied with...
play ... roles 扮演...的角色
lean over... 弯下身子 俯身于...之上
turn out 结果是,证明是
in silence 在沉默中
burst into laughter 突然笑出声来
concentrate on ... 全神贯注于...
be replaced by 被...所取代
for the purpose of... 为了..., 因...起见
distinguish ... from ... 区分...与...
communicate with... 与...交流
one another 彼此,相互
by means of... 用...的方法
at the approach of... 在...快到的时候
differ from... 与...不同
for instance 举例来说
divide ... into ... 把...分成...
enable sb. to do ... 使某人能够做某事
wave goodbye 挥别
in sympathy with 同情 赞成 和...一致
look over 察看, 检查
a lack of... 缺少...
check with... 与...协商
tend to do... 趋向于做...,喜欢做...
call after 追喊, 以...命名
call for 要求, 提倡
fight against 与...作战(敌人之间)
fight with 与...作战(战友之间)
agreement on ... 关于...达成的协议
add up 合计
add to 增加
take ... for example
in price 在价格上
in the long run 从长远来看,最后
on offer 在出售中
choose from... 从...中挑选
be curious about... 对...感到好奇
confront with... 使面临, 使面对
with interest 有兴趣地
an average of ... 平均是...
at high altitudes 在很高的地方
draw one’s attention 吸引某人的注意
focus on 集中考试大论坛
in years to come 在未来的几年内
as a matter of fact 实际上
adopt a positive approach 采取一种正确的方法
wait for 等待
pass through 经过, 通过
a sequence of 一系列的
set apart from 把...区分开
take ... for granted 以...为骄傲
be aware of/that 注意到
translate into 翻译成
set in 开始
intend to do 想要做
looking forward to 期望
be built from... 用...去建造
a wide variety of 很多的
at advanced levels 在高级范围内
carry out 完成,实施
according to 根据
aim to do 指望做某事
make sacrifices to do 做出牺牲而做
in depth 深入地
a series of 一系列,一连串
above all 首先,尤其是
after all 毕竟,究竟
ahead of 在...之前
ahead of time 提前
all at once 突然,同时
all but 几乎;除了...都
all of a sudden 突然
all over 遍及
all over again 再一次,重新
all the time 一直,始终
all the same 仍然,照样的
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