粤ICP备11076303号  广州青年志愿者协会医疗服务总队 www.gzyld.org.cn



来源:未知      作者:seagull8111      点击:次      时间:2013-03-08

167.传染性肝炎 infectious hepatitis   

168.急性病毒性肝炎  acute viral hepatitis      

169.慢性腹泻chronic diarrhea                

170.酒精性肝病alcoholic lier                        

171.自身免疫性肝炎autoimmune hepatitis 

172.肝硬化cirrhosis of lier  173.腹膜炎Peritonitis, 


175.肝[性]昏迷前期 hepatic precoma 

176.肝被膜下出血 subcapsular hemorrhage of liver      

177.肝病性口臭 fetor hepaticus                   

178.肝肠联合移植 combined liver and intestine transplantation 


180肝淀粉样变性 amyloidosis of liver 

181.肝动脉造影[术] hepatic arteriography  

182.肝梗死 infarction of liver  

183.肝结核 tuberculosis of liver                  

184.肝静脉梗阻 hepatic venous obstruction 

185.肝慢性阻性充血 chronic passive congestion of liver   

186.肝毛细线虫病 capillariasis hepatica                  

 187.肝门肠吻合术 portoenterostomy

188.肝内胆管结石 calculus of intrahepatic duct 

189.肝内胆管结石病 hepatolithiasis 

190.肝内胆汁淤积 intrahepatic cholestasis     

191.肝脓肿 liver absces      

192.肝脾大 hepatosplenomegaly                  

193.肝片吸虫病  fascioliasis hepatica  

194.肝肾联合移植 combined liver and kidney transplantation      

195.肝肾综合征 hepatorenal syndrome                  

196.肝素辅因子 heparin co-factor  

197.肝细胞移植 hepatocyte transplantation     

198.肝下垂 hepatoptosis 

199. 上消化道出血 upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage      

200.壁细胞parietal cell    

201. 质子泵proton pump

202, 痔疮Hemorrhoids         

203. gall bladder 胆囊. pancreas 胰腺

204. 内镜逆行胰胆管造影endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ,ERCP      205.胆石症/胆囊炎Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis   

206.急性胰腺炎Acute Pancreatitis,     

207.胰腺癌carcinoma of the Pancreatitis           


209.胰瘘 pancreatic fistula           

210.胰肾联合移植 combined pancreas and renal transplantation                     211.胰十二指肠切除术 pancreaticoduodenectomy 

 212.胰十二指肠移植术 pancreas-duodenal transplantation  

213.胰石 pancreatolith, pancreatic calculus  

214.胰石病 pancreatolithiasis  

215.胰腺创伤 pancreatic trauma             

216.胰腺分裂 pancreas divisum 

217.胰腺钙化 calcification of pancreas          

218.胰腺假囊肿 pancreatic pseudocyst 

219.胰腺囊肿 pancreatic cyst            

220.胰腺脓肿 abscess of pancreas   

221.胰腺外瘘 external fistula of pancreas  

222.胰腺炎 pancreatitis  

223.胰腺移植 pancreas transplantation                

224.胰腺异位 heterotopic pancreas  

225.胰腺周围脓肿 peripancreatic abscess    

226.胰源性腹水 pancreatic ascites         

227.移动性盲肠 mobile caecum         

228.移植胰假性囊肿 graft pancreatic pseudocyst 
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