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来源:未知 作者:seagull8111 点击:次 时间:2013-03-08
229.移植胰胰瘘 graft pancreatic fistula
230.移植胰胰腺炎 graft pancreatitis
231.胆道闭锁 biliary atresia
232.胆道测压[术] manometry of biliary tract
233.胆道出血 hemobilia
234.胆道感染 infection of biliary tract
235胆道梗阻 obstruction of biliary tract
236.胆道蛔虫病 biliary ascariasis
237.胆道贾第虫病giardiasis of biliary tract
238.胆道减压术 decompression of biliary tract
239.胆道闪烁显像[术] cholescintigraphy
240.胆道运动障碍 biliary dyskinesia
241.胆固醇结石 cholesterol calculus
242胆管癌 carcinoma of bile duct
243.胆管测压造影[术] manometric cholangiography
244.胆管肝炎 cholangiohepatitis
245.胆管空肠吻合术 cholangiojejunostomy
246.胆管扩张 cholangiectasis
247.胆管内置管扩张[术] biliary stent dilatation
248.胆管腺瘤 cholangioadenoma
249.胆管炎 cholangitis
250.胆管造影[术] cholangiography
251.胆管周围炎 pericholangitis
252.胆红素脑病 bilirubin encephalopathy, kernicterus
253.胆红素尿 bilirubinuria
254.胆绞痛 biliary colic
55.胆瘘 biliary fistula
256.胆囊癌carcinoma of gallbladder
257.胆囊肠瘘cholecystoenteric fistula
258.胆囊超声显像[术] cholecystosonography
259.胆囊穿孔 perforation of gallbladder
260.胆囊钙化 calcification of gallbladder
261.胆囊积脓 empyema of gallbladder
262.胆囊积气 pneu-gallbladder
263.胆囊积水 hydrops of gallbladder
264.胆囊积血 hemocholecyst
265.胆囊镜检查[术] cholecystoscopy
266.胆囊空肠吻合术 cholecystojejunostomy
267.胆囊扭转 torsion of gallbladder
268.胆囊切除术 cholecystectomy
269.胆囊切除术后综合征 postcholecystectomy syndrome
271.胆囊收缩素 cholecystokinin
272.胆囊炎 cholecystitis
273.胆囊造口术 cholecystostomy
274胆囊造影术 cholecystography
275.胆囊周围脓肿 pericholecystic abscess
276.胆石性肠梗阻 gallstone ileus
277.胆总管结石 calculus of common bile duct
278.胆小管炎 cholangiolitis
279.胆血症 cholemia
280.胆总管梗阻 obstruction of common bile duct
281.胆汁反流性胃炎 bile reflux gastritis
283.胆汁浓缩综合征 inspissated bile syndrome
284.胆汁性腹膜炎 biliary peritonitis, choleperitoneum
285.胆汁性肝硬化 biliary cirrhosis
286.胆总管十二指肠吻合术 choledochoduodenostomy
287.胆汁引流 biliary drainage
288.胆汁淤积 cholestasis
289.胆汁粘稠综合征 biliary hyperviscosity syndrome
290.[内镜]操纵部, [endoscopic]control section
291.[内镜]插入管, [endoscopic]insertion tube
292.[内镜]充气/水阀, [endoscopic]air/water valve
293.[内镜]导光连接部, [endoscopic]light guide connector section
294.[内镜]导光束, [endoscopic]light guide bundles
295.[内镜]导像束, [endoscopic]image guide bundles
296.[内镜]光导纤维, [endoscopic]optical fibers
297.[内镜]活检管道开口, [endoscopic]biopsy channel opening
上一篇:消化内科医患英语对话 下一篇:研究生专用