粤ICP备11076303号  广州青年志愿者协会医疗服务总队 www.gzyld.org.cn



来源:      作者:      点击:次      时间:2009-02-11

Your tongue’s rather coated.
Your tongue’s thickly furred.
You’re to have a blood test.
You’ve got a faint murmur of the heart.
诊断和治疗Diagnosing and treating

A slight infection.
An operation is needed to remove your tonsils.
By the look of it, it should be a rash.
By the sound of it, it’s bronchitis.

I don’t think it’s anything serious.
I should say you’ve caught cold.
I should think you’ve got the flu.
I think you need a shot to deaden the pain first.
If your recovery goes on like this, you can leave in three days.
I’ll give you an injection first.
I’ll give you a shot, I’m afraid.
I’m afraid an urgent operation is necessary.
I’m afraid you’ll have to be operated on for appendicitis.

It could be a case of TB.
It looks as if it’s scarlet fever.
It looks like measles.
It sounds as if you’ve caught cold.
It sounds like bronchitis.
It’s an acute case.
It’s inflammation of the skin.
It’s not so serious as it seems.
It’s nothing but a little infection in the finger tip.
It’s nothing serious, but you’d better stay in bed.

Let me give you a needle to numb the tooth.
Nothing serious.
The tooth will have to be taken out.
The X-ray shows a fractured ankle.
There’s a bad virus going around here and that’s probably what it is.
There’s a marked improvement in your condition.
There’s nothing to be alarmed about.
The infection may lead to respiratory complications.
Well, it could be a simple sprain. But I think to be on the safe side, we ought to have it X-rayed.

You must be hospitalized right now.
You must have your appendix removed.
You must have your tooth extracted.
You need an injection.
You probably have contracted the flu.
You seem to have picked up some kind of infection.
You’ll be all right soon.
You’ll be treated for a fracture of the bone.
You’ll get over it soon.
You’ll have an immediate operation.
You’ll have to be operated on.

You’ll have to have your decayed tooth pulled out.
You’ll have to stay in the hospital for observation for two days.
You’ll recover in two or three days.
Your case is not very serious.
Your left thumb suffers a comminuted fracture.
Your rheumatism should take a course of treatment for about a month.

You’re suffering a heart disease, I’m afraid.
You’ve got a drop of fever.
You’re running a temperature.
You’ve got the flu, but not very serious.
医嘱及建议Giving prescription and advice

A change of diet may do you good.
A good sleep may help you pick up flesh.
Administer the ointment once everyday.
Apply this tube of jelly three times a day.
Are you allergic to any medication?
Avoid greasy foods.

Be careful to your diet.
Be sure to keep warm and rest.
Come back and see me in two weeks if you’re not feeling better.
Cut down on your drinking.
Do not smoke.
Don’t overdo things.
Don’t strain yourself too much.

Drink more hot water.
Drink more liquids and take the medicine I prescribed.
Drink plenty of water.
Drink this mixture four times a day, one measure each time.
Electrical treatments will be good for your rheumatism.
Fatty food will do you harm.
Get plenty of exercise.
Go home and rest for at least three or four days.

Have a good rest.
Here’s a prescription for some medicine.
Here’s a prescription for you. Please take the medicine according to the instruction.
Here’s a prescription. Have someone to get it filled.

Here is a prescription. I’d like you to take one of these pills three times a day.
Here’s a sick-leave certificate for three days.
I can prescribe some pills which will relieve the pain, but you’d be well advised not to overwork yourself.
I suggest you take Chinese traditional medicines.
I think a month at a health resort will do you good.

I think this gargle will relieve your sore throat.
If your fever lingers, come to me again.
I’ll give you a dose of streptomycin.
I’ll give you some tablets.
I’ll just give you a prescription.
I’ll make up a prescription for you.
I’ll prescribe a bottle of cough syrup for you.
It’ll keep the swelling down.

Keep away from the draught.
Keep to your bed, and try to have more water.
Keep warm and take a hot bath before going to bed.
Let me prescribe some medicine for you.
One tablet each time, three times a day after meal.
Put a plaster on the sore once a day.
Put this lotion on every four hours.

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