粤ICP备11076303号  广州青年志愿者协会医疗服务总队 www.gzyld.org.cn



来源:      作者:      点击:次      时间:2009-02-11

Doctor:We are going to do the operation on you tomorrow.Ihope you won't worry.
P: I will try not to, but will it hurt? 我会做到,但是否会痛呢?
D: We'll give you anaesthesia.If you feel any pain during the operation,just let me know.
Have you hand in you consent yet? 你交手术志愿书了吗?
P: How should I write it ? 该怎么写呢?
D: "I (name) the undersigned have requested and consented to a certain operation." That's all.
We need the seal of your embassy and the signatur of your Ambassador on the consent form.
N: I'd like to Shave off the hair around the operation. 我要把手术区周围的毛剃一下.
P: I have never been in a hospital before. I'm so scared. 我从来没住过医院,我害伯极了。
N: There is nothing to worry about. The doctor who will operate on you is very experrenced and considerate.If you have any discomfort during the operation,please don't hesitate to tell him. I'11 give you an enema tonight.After that please don't take any food or water before the operation.
P: How do you do it? Does it hurt? 你怎个做法呢,痛吗?
N: I'11 insert a rubber tube into your anus and let the soapsuds solution flow into your rectum. Please let me know if you feel distension.I'11 stop the flowing。Hold it for several minutes before you expel it.That may preduce a better result.
N: The operation went very well.Please turn from side to side every two or three hours.
P: I only feel mild pain.I don't think a pain-killer is necessary.The pain is very severe. I can't stand it. Please give me a pain-killer at once. 我只感到有轻微的疼痛,我想用不着吃止痛片.痛得很厉害.我简直受不了;请立即给我止痛片吧.
N: I'11 help you gat up. You can try walking around the room or corridor.
P: I think I'm quite ail right now. 我似乎已经完全好了.
N :You are going to be discharged the day after tomorrow. 你后天就要出院了.
P: Is that so? I'm so happy. 真的吗,我太高兴了.
N: You have been in the hopital for two weeks, haven't you? 你住院两个星期了,是吧?
P: Exactly, but the doctor told me I still have to rest for one more week.
N: The doctor has written a certificate for you. There are two suggestions.First,avoid any mental stress and have a good rest. Secondly,examinations of fasting sugar and an EKG should be done regularly. 医生已经给你开好了证明书.里面有两个建议.第一,避免精神紧张,好好休息.第二,定期查空腹血糖和做心电图检查.
P: My organization(doctor) needs my medical history. May I have it tomorrow?
N: Certainly. 当然可以.
P: Please give me my account. 请给我结一下帐.
N: I'11 go to the admissions' office to get you bill at once. 我立即到住院处去给你结帐.
P: HOW much do I owe you? May I pay it by cheque? 我欠多少钱?能用支票付款吗?
N: Altogether three hundred and fifty yuan.seventy five fen.You may pay either In cash or by cheque. 总共 350元 7角 5分,你付现金或开支票都行.
P: I must go now.will you call a taxi for me? 我该走了。请给我叫辆出租汽车,好吗?
N: Have you made sure you haven't left anything behind? 你没有留下什么东西吗?
P :I don't think so. I'm really very grateful to you all.You were all so kind to me.
N: Don't mention it. That is our job.不必客气,那是我们的职责.The taxi has come.出租车来了.
The taxi is on its way, It will be here soon. 出租车正在路上呢。马上就到.

1. I'm not feeling well. 我觉得不舒服.
2. I'm feeling very bad. 我觉得很不舒服.
3. I don't feel myself lately. 我最近感到不舒服.
4. What shall(should) I do? 我该怎么办,
5. Should I stay in the hospital? 我需要住院吗?
6.The pain seems less. 我的疼痛有些减轻.
7. Will it go away by itself(soon)? 它能自然(很快)痊愈吗?
8. When shall I come back? 我什么时候再来?
9. Will there be a recurrence? 这病会复发吗?
10.Does this medicine have any side-effects? 这药有副作用吗?
11. What kind of food should I eat? Should I have a special diet?
12.Will surgery necessary? 需要做手术吗;
13. Will it take long to recover? 很久才能恢复吗?
l4 Is it right to move around and do some exercises? 可以在地上走走,锻炼锻炼吗?

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